mozversion — Get application information

mozversion provides version information such as the application name and the changesets that it has been built from. This is commonly used in reporting or for conditional logic based on the application under test.

Note that mozversion can report the version of remote devices (e.g. Firefox OS) but it requires the mozdevice dependency in that case. You can require it along with mozversion by using the extra device dependency:

pip install mozversion[device]

API Usage

mozversion.get_version(binary=None, sources=None, host=None, device_serial=None, adb_host=None, adb_port=None)

Returns the application version information as a dict. You can specify a path to the binary of the application or an Android APK file (to get version information for Firefox for Android). If this is omitted then the current directory is checked for the existance of an application.ini file. If not found and that the binary path was not specified, then it is assumed the target application is a remote Firefox OS instance.

  • binary – Path to the binary for the application or Android APK file
  • sources – Path to the sources.xml file (Firefox OS)
  • host – Host address of remote Firefox OS instance (not used with ADB)
  • device_serial – Serial identifier of Firefox OS device (ADB)
  • adb_host – Host address of ADB server
  • adb_port – Port of ADB server



import mozversion

version = mozversion.get_version(binary='/path/to/firefox-bin')
for (key, value) in sorted(version.items()):
    if value:
        print '%s: %s' % (key, value)

Firefox for Android:

version = mozversion.get_version(binary='path/to/firefox.apk')
print version['application_changeset'] # gets hg revision of build


version = mozversion.get_version(sources='path/to/sources.xml', dm_type='adb')
print version['gaia_changeset'] # gets gaia git revision

Command Line Usage

mozversion comes with a command line program, mozversion which may be used to get version information from an application.


mozversion [options]



This is the path to the target application binary or .apk. If this is omitted then the current directory is checked for the existance of an application.ini file. If not found, then it is assumed the target application is a remote Firefox OS instance.


The path to the sources.xml that accompanies the target application (Firefox OS only). If this is omitted then the current directory is checked for the existance of a sources.xml file.



$ mozversion --binary=/path/to/firefox-bin
application_buildid: 20131205075310
application_changeset: 39faf812aaec
application_name: Firefox
application_version: 26.0
platform_buildid: 20131205075310
platform_changeset: 39faf812aaec

Firefox for Android:

$ mozversion --binary=/path/to/firefox.apk

Firefox OS:

$ mozversion --sources=/path/to/sources.xml
application_buildid: 20140106040201
application_changeset: 14ac61461f2a
application_name: B2G
application_version: 29.0a1
build_changeset: 59605a7c026ff06cc1613af3938579b1dddc6cfe
device_firmware_date: 1380051975
device_firmware_version_incremental: 139
device_firmware_version_release: 4.0.4
device_id: msm7627a
gaia_changeset: 9a222ac02db176e47299bb37112ae40aeadbeca7
gaia_date: 1389005812
gecko_changeset: 3a2d8af198510726b063a217438fcf2591f4dfcf
platform_buildid: 20140106040201
platform_changeset: 14ac61461f2a