“backgroundhangmonitor” ping

Whenever a thread monitored by the Background Hang Monitor hangs, a stack and some non-identifying information about the hang is captured. When 50 of these hangs are collected across all processes, or the browser exits, this ping is transmitted with the collected hang information.

This ping is only collected in nightly builds, to avoid the high volume of pings which would be produced in Beta.


  "type": "backgroundhangmonitor",
  ... // common ping data
  "environment": { ... },
  "payload": {
    "timeSinceLastPing": <number>, // uptime since last backgroundhangmonitor ping (ms).
    "modules": [
        <string>, // Name of the file holding the debug information.
        <string> // Breakpad ID of this module.
    "hangs": [
        "duration": <number>, // duration of the hang in milliseconds.
        "thread": <string>, // name of the hanging thread.
        "runnableName": <string>, // name of the runnable executing during the hang.
                                  // Runnable names are only collected for the XPCOM main thread.
        "process": <string>, // Type of process that hung, see below for a list of types.
        "remoteType": <string>, // Remote type of process which hung, see below.
        "annotations": { ... }, // A set of annotations on the hang, see below.
        "pseudoStack": [ ... ], // List of pseudostack frame names.
        "stack": [ ... ], // interleaved hang stack, see below.

Process Types

The process field is a string denoting the kind of process that hung. Hangs are currently sent only for the processes below:

Kind Description
default Main process, also known as the browser process
tab Content process
gpu GPU process

Remote Type

The remoteType field is a string denoting the type of content process that hung. As such it is only non-null if processType contains the tab value.

The supported remoteType values are documented in the crash ping documentation: Remote Process Types.

Stack Traces

Each hang object contains a stack field which has been populated with an interleaved stack trace of the hung thread. An interleaved stack consists of a native backtrace with additional frames interleaved, representing chrome JS and pseudostack entries.

Note that this field only contains native stack frames, pseudostack and chrome JS script frames. If native stacks can not be collected on the target platform, or stackwalking was not initialized, there will be no native frames present, and the stack will consist only of pseudostack and chrome JS script frames.

A single frame in the stack is either a raw string, representing a pseudostack or chrome JS script frame, or a native stack frame:

  <number>, // Index in the payload.modules list of the module description.
            // -1 if this frame was not in a valid module.
  <string> // Hex string (e.g. "FF0F") of the frame offset in the module.


The annotations field is a map from key to string value, for example if the user was interacting during a hang the annotations field would look something like this:

    "UserInteracting": "true"

The following annotations are currently present in tree:

Name Description
UserInteracting “true” if the user was actively interacting
pluginName Name of the currently running plugin
pluginVersion Version of the currently running plugin
HangUIShown “true” if the hang UI was shown
HangUIContinued “true” if continue was selected in the hang UI
HangUIDontShow “true” if the hang UI was not shown